That’s another load run through the washing machine, showers last night and the tank re-topped off again – so time to move on with a full tank of water ready to stay put again on the K&A.
The flows don’t seem to strong today, so this should not take too long, and let’s hope that there is room on the moorings outside of Tesco, as we really need to get a big shop in, and being next to the supermarket with a trolley full of shopping does mean it’s easier to walk it back to the boat!
It’s a grey one today – but no rain.. and very little boats.. I guess there all staying put waiting for the Euro 2020 Final tonight..
And I still think I remember seeing this one on the Oxford canal at some point…
And if Anna was to have here own boat.. ( zoom in on the name! )
Getting closer to the K&A.. and more canoeists out and about at the boat club..
And there is a spot outside Tesco’s.. only just though.. we beat a boat to it by 2 minutes!.. And as were only staying for a shop.. and they want to be here tonight.. breast up against us until were done.. then the space is theirs. A lovely couple on their dutch barge styled narrowboat.. who even gave me a beer for later on during the match!
And send the kids out to do the shop..
Once that’s done, back through Reading..
And onto the K&A canal for the next few days.. with some different waterfoul around.. The swan’s are still here, but these guys are taking up position next to the side hatch for food!