After a good 3 days on a mooring that was “not a mooring”.. time to move on. After the footfall and boats from the weekend, yesterday was like a ghost town.. No boats.. No people.. So we risked another day and decided to move on Tuesday.
Loads of friends over on Sunday – towpath overtaken by chairs, tables, people, dogs and cats.. but no one seemed to mind. There are a lot of swans round here, this must be the most I have seen at the window for a long time! (Who fancies a game of spot the odd one out!)
Dad and Barbara came over on Monday afternoon, as were fairly close to them at the moment. show them round the boat, just a shame that I was in a 3 hour meeting at the time 🙁 but it was still good to see them both.
After a weekend of friends and family round.. time to move on. Were going to be getting a hire car this weekend, so I need to get the boat to somewhere close to a hire car company.. But for now.. were staying here for today. Nice spot.. plenty of grass, no noise of any kind (other than when the kids start arguing) – cant even see a way of getting off the grass.. its a bit of bank, controlled by the council, which seems you cant get to.. not sure how they have cut the grass but they have – so there must be a way somewhere..
In the mean time.. schooling is done from the bank today!
Thank you enjoyed the visit yesterday to your narrowboat kind of cute regards and love to you all take care god bless love Dad & Barbara xx