Time to move on from a very nice location in Cowley.. Its been a good week here, even though we were moored under tree’s – the solar panels still did a reasonable job.. just need to clean the bird crap off them now to get them back to peak performance!
More cat wrangling required this morning – Shaemus this time.. by the time ho got bored with being outside.. it was gone 2pm! (little sod!)
We need a pump-out, diesel and water.. so its south a bit more (now all the cats are back aboard) as we have another car planned for this coming bank holiday – however; it was another blow-out at Packet Boat Marina.. for the second time in a week – no one there at the fuel dock or the pump out station, no signs, no instructions, all doors closed and locked and no one around to ask – just tubleweed bouncing round the dock in the wind.. so there the one’s loosing out – onto another marina who can be bothered to open up in the afternoon!..
Quick stop at Tesco (on the canal of course 🙂 ) and lunch on the bench next to the boat before we set off to another marina on the way to the Thames as I want to get the tanks sorted before we get there, and need to pay Thames prices.. so its onto Willowtree Marina on the Paddington arm of the Grand Union.
Stopped at another Tesco on the canal but as it has a water point – just for water this time! – but as someone was there and not going far until the morning, we asked about breasting up against his boat ( mooring one boat to another ) – just to top up some water for the night as by the time we would get close to the marina – it would be shut, so time to moor up and make it an early start the following day..