Time to move on from Wigston..
Been fortunate here a few days ago, there are no fuel boats that run this stretch, a distinct lack of marinas, and a very empty diesel tank is a cause for concern – however; when speaking with one of our neighbours about how he gets fuel, as I haven’t seen their boat move since we got here. He stated that he has a friend that gets him a 20L can of diesel when he needs some, and offered to sell us the 20L he has, as he can get some more later in the week – so we have some diesel to tide us over until we move..
At least we were near a services block that had showers, toilets, a pump out as well as the usual elsan and water points.
Had an email from CRT also, stating that the river Soar was closed due to it flooding.. checked each day over the last few days, and the levels have dropped, so we can get through Leicester..
Anna’s on a last run to the shop, and the boats on the water point getting the tank filled. Spoke with the CRT guys here asking about how to get a pump out card as the toilet tank filled yesterday.. they said that they had to run a test on the pump out.. so why not pump the boat out as a live test 🙂 So we got the toilet tank pumped out as well.. awesome job!
And onward with the sun showing the way :).. there is a marina towards the north of Leicester, but its going to take a few days to get there..
The loggers are out again.. having passed them a while back, and loaded up with some of the wood they left on the side of the canal, whilst in Wigston, they caught us up and went past.. and we’ve cught them up again.. so more wood was to be had!
Pulled in whilst the light was still good, and before we get to the river.. as I have work to catch up on, and need to check the levels again before we reach a point of no return! ( I dont want to get caught on the river when the weather turns bad again, as if we do get snow.. when it thaws – it has to go somewhere, and a flooded river with the boat high and dry on the path is something I don’t want to risk being caught up in!)