Its getting colder in the morning now.. the fire just about keeps going through the night, but with the cold nights – its battle to not going out whilst were all asleep is a losing one!
Were going to head down to Coventry today – but there is a change of plan (twice in one day).. We (well me actually) decided to not go into Coventry. We need to get to a sensible place for next weekend, and we were hoping to spend some time in Coventry.. but doing so will mean that we miss the car availability for Anna – which would be a bad thing.. so were going down as far as Tesco’s to get some supplied in, and turning round a few hours outside of Coventry. I guess Coventry basin will just have to wait until the next time were here.
“Get me out of here.. This place is hell”.. OK.. And with that, we leave the Tesco’s mega megastore in our wake!
We didn’t get a new microwave in the end.. after several discussions, we decided to put the space it was using to better use for food storage.. That may change.. but for now.. were happy without one, as it was a pain running it anyway.. always needing the engine on as running it without put a major dent in the batteries!

And were on the Oxford again.. The fact that the Oxford is central has nothing to do with us constantly coming back to it.. It just seems that the Oxford.. for us.. will always seem like home.. Especially Banbury.. being our first major location (winter mooring last year).. going back there always seems like were back where we should be 🙂
One lock to do.. just a little stop lock.. but no fees to pay to get through.. In the past, locks were at the start and end of a canal so that boats paid their way to use that stretch.. Toll booths for canals.. but today.. its just a pain as the level from full to empty differs by only a foot!

Once on there, we pull up a little while on in a nice open spot for the cats.. Get the chain-saw out to chop up some wood for the fire.. and settle down to a lovely Sunday roast.. Those who think you cant do a full Sunday roast for four, on a boat, in a tiny galley.. think again.. Anna will show you how! 🙂
For the next few days, we will be heading to Rugby for a hire car at the weekend.. which will mean moving for a few hours each day in the morning, or the afternoons.. depends on how the work or weather situation goes..