Engine service is done, it took a little while to get all the cat’s in, but there all now down below – so were good to go. We have a bit to do today – hopefully, there will be no issues!
First stop… pump out time! So lets pull into Willowbridge Marina and get that sorted. Thankfully, it’s all “self” service – so after arranging for a 6kg gas bottle, and the pump out – its time to do our own. We have had several pump outs done for us in the past and these have all been on the same side of the boat (we have one tank – but to access caps, one on each side) – as is this one.. but, I have noticed that were not getting a lot “out” of the tank, and there is some sediment left that the pumps cant get sucked up.
So, this time, as I’m doing it and there is not a “coin” and “time” machine, where you buy a token, and you get 5 minutes and that’s it – we have the chance to give the tank a damn good rinse out. technically.. 5 rinses and pump outs later, we seem to have cleared it out nicely, and the water being sucked back out is now fairly clear – so that should sort that for a while!
And I bet that this one doesn’t go very far.. whilst yet it will get through the locks, as there all wide locks on the GU.. I’m not sure about clearing every bridge though – the wheel house may collapse down.. but that bow may just be an issue!
And on past yet more moored boats.. there are a lot on the GU!
And.. If this is no.2 What happened to the first one ? 🙂
Up through Stoke Hammond Lock #23
Get to the 3 locks, (Soulbury Flight) – but before we go up, we need water.. so pull in at the lock landing (which doubles as a water point) and top the tank off..
Once up through the locks, pull in as we decided to go back to the 3 locks pub for a nice pub lunch/dinner..