A good few hours today, before needing to stop off for meetings and other worky bits.
Set off from Woolhampton and got to the first lock – there we met up with a couple (cant remember their names – sorry) aboard “Meandering Mo”. They had just got up through the lock and stated they were happy to wait for us to also come up so that we could travel through the remaining locks for the day together – as the locks fit two boats – and it also saves water!
So we carried on through the next two locks, where at some, whilst the lock can take two boats – the landing to wait at whilst getting the lock ready can’t – so we had to tie up one boat to the bank.. and tie the other to the other boat.
At this stage.. I saw some plants that Anna may need for more “herbal stuff” 🙂 so in reverse we go.. back to them and try to get the bow of the boat as close as possible for Anna and Dawson to lean out and grab what they can – as if its not a proper mooring.. its rather shallow at the bank. Whilst they were getting those – gave me chance to finish by bacon and sausage sandwich anyway 🙂 By the time we caught up with Meadering Mo, they were moored up for lunch.. so were on our own now..
Got though lock 90 “Monkey Marsh Lock” 100% aided by the crew of the boat coming the other way – which was cool!
I know there are some small narrowboats about.. but this one was only about 10ft long!
This one made me chuckle.. 10 points to the person who can name which book (or series of books) the name “Ozy Mandias” was penned ?
- And that’s “Ozy Mandias” – not Ozymandias the sonnet by Shelley.. and not the Greek name for the Pharaoh Ramesses II.. Think more Sci-Fi 🙂
There was also a boat that was from BACUP in Lancashire (My old home haunt.. and Juliet Bravo Country).. But I didn’t get chance to grab a photo – which was disappointing 🙁 Not sure which canal that’s normally on, as I’m fairly sure that the closest you can get to my old home town on a canal is Rochdale or Todmorden, on the Rochdale Broad Canal..
And on into – and through – Newbury. I didn’t get many photos as there were a lot of boats, and it was very twisty with some seriously narrow and strong stream bits. Was entertaining to the people at the Lock, Stock and Barrel pub though.. with me trying to use a lock landing half the size of the boat, whilst fighting off a side stream without jamming the boat diagonally across the canal between the buildings on either side!
Through Newbury lock, and onto the swing bridge, where Anna saw more flowers and plants for her collection.. and someone objected.. “This is private land you know”.. No its not.. these plants are growing out the side of the weir.. you pay to maintain the weir do you.. don’t think so – therefore its not private.. and if it is – its CRT land as they are responsible for the weir – not yours – and I have a CRT licence.. do you.. exactly.. so bog off !!
- Or at least that’s what I would have said.. Anna – may have said something different!
And finally we decide to stop at a very nice, if a little noisy (due to the A34 being almost above us).. but were the only ones here, there’s a bit of grass – and a fire pit that someone else built whilst here.. the cats are off and exploring.. and Anna is happy re-potting plants after feeding everyone!
Talking of cats.. I think this one really enjoys being on a boat… ” I iz sleepin human.. wake me when we stop!”
Dont ask me why the graph states I did 38mph at some point.. it must be when I turned off the logging so Anna could goto Tesco’s….