Well – time to move on from Banbury. We have been at Hennef Way, Banbury for a few weeks now, made use of the car park (whilst we could get to it – as Thames Water decided to close off the bridge which is the only sensible way to the car park and Tesco’s – so now we have to go mud-bogging through the park to get to the car).. but hey ho.. the cars gone back and it’s time to move on.
We haven’t really spent any time in Cropredy – it’s always been one of those overnight locations whilst doing a services run – but – if the signal is good, we may stay until the weekend and then see about moving up to Braunston and stay there for a few weeks – our short-term destination at this time on our way to Nuneaton. We will see from there where we go – as if we can jump locations and not move too far, I am hoping to get the boat blacked in April on the Erewash Canal.. but.. that’s a far out plan that can easily change.
I planned to do something different today.. as you will see at the end.. unfortunately.. the battery in the camera ran out before we got to the mooring – so you got what you got! 😀 ( I will see about connecting one of the battery packs to it for the next one – if there is a next one 🙂 !)

Through into Cropredy and stop at the water point for a full water tank. Just before here, the camera battery ran out.. so photos will have to do! 😀

And.. of course.. no trip to Cropredy goes without calling in at the Brasenose Arms.. but that’s later..

And.. as were going to be here for a few days.. we need to backup to a 14 day mooring – but not too much of a walk to the pub later on (I did hope to get this on camera.. but.. battery 🙁 )
Once pulled in, let the cats out.. much to the surprise of a resident.. Shaemous.. behave..

And.. now for something different.. hopefully this comes over OK.. A time lapse of todays run (or as much as we have before the battery died)