The signal in Crick is flakey, BTWifi is just as flakey – so its time to move on. Dawson has been sent to the shop to get some more supplies in so were covered until the end of the weekend and were setting off..
First.. Pull in a Crick Marina to top off the diesel tanks and get a few bags of coal. Onward and northward past Yelvertoft.. not stopping here.. ( you know why.. )
And onto a very familiar spot.. The water point and mooring just north of Yelvertoft Marina to fill up the water tank.. spent the first few weeks on the boat here after we were kicked out of the marina.. (not on the water point though 🙂 )
I have a few meetings this afternoon, so once the tank is full, its onto a mooring spot for the night, and possibly a few days if its as cold as it was yesterday!
This’ll do.. on our own.. no one around.. low hedgerow and no trees.. can get the last out the panels before the sun goes away for this week!!!
( Shameus is not sure of this… 🙂 Kizzie has already darted out into the hedgerow for dinner!! )
ICE ICE Baby.. Oh well… Its the first night of ice.. and not that thick.. so were moving anyway.. EMMELINE can handle a little ice.. as long as its <1″ thick.. its fine..