A grey and windy day in Kingston today. We left the mooring in West Molesey after trying to assist Rob ( moored up with us in Moelsey yesterday ) with a dead engine battery on a boat he’s only had for a week! – unfortunately, the jump leads he had were not long enough to reach from my batteries to his – so we had to leave it to RCR ( http://www.rivercanalrescue.co.uk/ ) to come out and help him get the engine started and to see why it was not charging ) – we will call in and see if he’s OK on our way back through possibly tomorrow or at the Weekend.. depends on when were back there.
- No sun 🙁
- No photos 🙁
- Lots of Wind 🙁
- Lots of cold 🙁
– But at least we got moored up OK on the Richmond side of the Thames. Anna’s been off and come back with the post from Mum and Dads – so I have my passport now!.. We also saw Mechelle who came by to see the boat 🙂
There is a bonus though.. the boat’s engine is certainly liking this river cruising – there was a time back in Brentford and when we first came onto the Thames where there was white smoke coming out of the exhaust (not just from cold, but when it was at running temperature also).. but after a few hard runs at speed (haven’t hit the 8mph limit as I haven’t pushed it past 2,500 rpm yet.. – but got close with a tail wind) – that has cleared it and we finally have a smooth visibly cleaner and less fumy/smelly exhaust. Must swap out the air filter with the oil/filter at the next service (which is overdue)
Soon after – late afternoon-ish, we had a rise in water levels (so must be raining somewhere – but not here) – enough to lift the boat just enough for the fenders to miss the concrete and the boat to start banging about – thankfully.. no where near enough to flood and lift the boat onto the bank.. It would need to be a lot of water to get a 1.5ft draft narrowboat up and onto the bank – thats for sure!
Once the water levels dropped again, out and re-position the fenders again – try to save some of my blacking at least! And loosened the lines a bit – just in case it happens again whilst were asleep.
Good to see Sean again who came by ( as he gave Anna a lift back 🙂 ) joined us for dinner and eventually got used to the rocking of the boat..