We decided to stay on the K&A a bit longer, so were going to start our run towards Newbury.
So that’s where you are when not chipping away at the side of the boat all day long…
Up through Southcote Lock.. ( yes – I’m catching up with back-dated posts.. and seeing this lock “working” is something that has not happened in a while.. – but more on that in later posts! )
On through Garston Lock.. with it’s peat sided “walls”..
And Sheffield Lock.. Bit of a small one this, there is not a lot of rise or fall.. so quickly through it.
But that’s as far as we got! Halfway round the corner on the approach to the swing bridge.. there are 2 boats already waiting for the bridge to open.
CC came back, calling across.. “The Bridge is broken and wont open”. Bugger!
So its reverse round the corner and moor up on the lock landing, leaving the lock full and the gates open – so that if the bridge does work, the boats the other side of it can go straight into the lock and were not in their way.
Many hours later..
Update : “It’s not the bridge”, the CRT engineer states.. ” It’s the signal from the traffic lights not getting to the bridge telling it that the lights are red..” OK.. ” So we have to call the council now as the lights are their responsability.”
So were here for the night then.. as its a Sunday and getting a council worker out on a Sunday just may not happen!
Many hours later.. Beep Beep… A boat horn sounds around the corner.. and after having a look.. the bridge is open and the waiting boats are gone!
OK.. lets move.. Got round the corner.. Bridge closed again! FFS!
But not a worry, CC is there with the key and opening it up again, with the council worker ready to press the button he pressed earlier to tell the bridge to stop being stupid and just open up!
And were through and onto the Water point at Tyle Mill.
The wide-beam that was stuck on the bridge landing is there, and just finishing off, so we pull in behind and see about getting some water.
It’s getting dark now.. and mooring spots are few and far between on this stretch.. but we found a lovely rural spot, against a farmers field.. with two sturdy trees to wrap the ropes round – so this will do us for tonight.